
Posts by category:

Hidden Histories

Pride and Earth Science

Today we launch an infographic on LGBTQIA+ Earth Scientists timed for the end of Pride Month. This infographic celebrates some well known and lesser known Earth Scientists – put it on your wall, in your corridors, in your classrooms to celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community in Earth Science.

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The first (known) geological map

Google ‘the first geological map’ and what results do you get? All but one of the websites returned on the first page talk about William Smith’s pioneering map of England, Wales and Part of Scotland, published in 1815. This was indeed a significant and noteworthy achievement. It was the first geological map of Britain, and […]

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Telling Stories of the Hidden Colonial Histories of Our Geological Institutions

By Dr Munira Raji The ‘Decolonising UK Earth Science pedagogy – from the hidden histories of our geological institutions to inclusive curricula‘ project focuses on exploring the unrecognised knowledge upon which the foundational institutions of Earth Science are built and how this legacy creates modern-day inequity in our discipline. It aims to begin dismantling this […]

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