Disability, colonialism and Earth science
In the UK, the 14th November to 20th December 2024 is UK Disability History Month. The theme of the 2024 UKDHM is “Disability Livelihood and Employment” and they have collated resources on the employment of disabled people past and present to navigate a more equitable way forward. https://ukdhm.org/ We want to use this as an opportunity […]
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Pride and Earth Science
Today we launch an infographic on LGBTQIA+ Earth Scientists timed for the end of Pride Month. This infographic celebrates some well known and lesser known Earth Scientists – put it on your wall, in your corridors, in your classrooms to celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community in Earth Science.
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Firsting in Science and Research
Scholars like to attribute discoveries to people. A new mineral, a new species of dinosaur, a new unifying theory. First reported by a pioneering geologist, first described by an eminent paleontologist who came across the fossil in a dusty drawer, first proposed in a paradigm-shifting paper. But does this constant framing of research and science […]
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The first (known) geological map
Google ‘the first geological map’ and what results do you get? All but one of the websites returned on the first page talk about William Smith’s pioneering map of England, Wales and Part of Scotland, published in 1815. This was indeed a significant and noteworthy achievement. It was the first geological map of Britain, and […]
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The Decolonising Earth Science forum: A space for peer-learning and sharing
We are looking to build a peer network of UK Earth Science professionals (e.g. Earth Science academics at all career stages, professional services staff, museum professionals) for peer-learning, discussion and to share material and effective practise in decolonising the curriculum. To help realise this ambition we have launched a Decolonising Earth Science Discord Server. We […]
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New open educational resources to help decolonise and diversify your Earth Science curriculum
We are excited to launch our website and release the first of our infographics aimed at supporting the UK Earth Science (geology/geoscience/environmental science) community in decolonising the curriculum and Earth Science pedagogy. Why should UK Earth Science embrace decolonising the curriculum approaches? Photograph: DAVID HARTLEY/REX/Shutterstock The foundations of a discipline shape the way in which […]
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